Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ice House

This beer pours a medium golden color with tons of small bubbles rushing p through the body of the brew. There is a big white head on the top which fades very fast to leave a moderate level of lacing. 

Upfront he taste is on the slightly drier side with flavors of corn and rice up front. As the taste advances some light hop bitterness comes to the tongue.  This is accompanied by a very light metallic taste, but one that is very light and not overpowering or very off putting.  Overall the taste was much better then what I anticipated.

This beer offers a smooth light body, with high carbonation; and a crisp and refreshing aftertaste.  Sweetness, and that typical and inviting beer aroma.  Some grassy hops, maybe?  A little corn.  This wouldn't be ever be my first choice for a beer, but in the category in offers things other don't such no metallic off notes and not off apple-like yeast notes.
it is what it is... a cheap ice beer. nothing special.  Overall, this isn't the worst ice beer ever, but it wouldn't be my first choice. It's cheap, but you get what you pay for. 

As for always thinks for reading and please feel free to leave any comments.  Until next drink one for me.   

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