Monday, April 22, 2013
Negra Modelo
Negra Modelo is a 5.3% abv. Vienna lager first brewed in Mexico by Austrian immagrants, and was introduced as a draft beer in 1926. Negra Modelo comes in an unusually shaped, wide brown bottle with a trademark gold label. The full name of the beer is Cerveza Negra Modelo. The word "modelo" means "model" or "example" in Spanish. "Negra" means "black" or "dark" and modifies "cerveza."
The color is a nice brown rubi color, reminds me darkish copper coloring. It has a thin white head that dies down fast and leaves next to no lacing. To really bring out the head a freash lime needs to be added.
The aromas definitely give out hints of toasty malts, caramel and a slight nuttines. Mixed with these aromas was a nice herbal smell as well.
The taste was surpursingly sweet. A bitterness from the hops comes through in the aftertaste and lingers for a while but not too overpowering.
Modelo is light bodied lager with moderate amounts of carbonation. Smooth but slightly thin, creamy and crisp, goes down pretty easy.
Overall Modelo was a very surprising and enjoyable experience. Best if drink by the bottles. I would prefer this beer at a mexican resteraunt, much better than corona.
As always thinks for reading, please feel free to leave any comments. Untill next time drink one for me.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Bud Lite Lime
This one is pretty simple and straight forward, it's Bud Light with lime flavor added. I can't say a lot of great things about this one. This beer is just plain nasty, the taste is just horrible.
The color is a clear light yellow with a few bubbles and with a white head that dissipated quickly. No greenish color present but it looks a little greasy.
Fake lime and vegetable grains are the first smells that come to mind. Smells more like a cheap air freshener rather than something I’d drink.
The taste reminded me of lemon lime type drink, like a 7-Up, except with a little alcohol bite. The taste is better than the smell, but still awful. The worst was the finish, with about 70% of the flavor resembling a cheap lime sucker.
The body is very light and watery, full of carbonation. The best way to sum up this beer's rather weak demeanor is "beach beer", better yet free beach beer.
This is just a cheap Corona wanna be. This beer goes down like water and resembles a lime-flavored soda. Best drank from a can and rather quickly.
Thanks for reading and as always please feel free to leave any comments you may have. Until next time drink one for me.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) for short is a brand of beer sold by Pabst Brewing Company, originally established in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1844, but now based in Los Angeles. Pabst Blue Ribbon is contract-brewed in six different breweries around the U.S. in facilities owned by Miller Brewing Company.
The appearance consists of a pale yellow body with a foamy white head that dissipates pretty quick. Decent amount of lacing afterwards but ends bubbly with a good but short-lived head. The body is moderate, with carbonation a tad on the high side. Not as watery and thin as one might expect, really surprised.
The aroma is weak with some hops and maybe some baker's yeast? idk. It definitely smells like beer should just not a very pleasant one.
The taste is of grain, light hops, and light malts, and surprisingly rather crisp. One thing that caught me off guard was that there was some sludge left over.
This beer is light, fizzy and flavorful, overall, one of my favorite beers. Recommended by a college student in that the cost is quite low, less than a six pack of Bud, way less.
Taste best straight out of the can, especially on a hot day.
Thanks for reading and always please feel free to leave any comments you may have. Until next time, drink one for me.
The appearance consists of a pale yellow body with a foamy white head that dissipates pretty quick. Decent amount of lacing afterwards but ends bubbly with a good but short-lived head. The body is moderate, with carbonation a tad on the high side. Not as watery and thin as one might expect, really surprised.
The aroma is weak with some hops and maybe some baker's yeast? idk. It definitely smells like beer should just not a very pleasant one.
The taste is of grain, light hops, and light malts, and surprisingly rather crisp. One thing that caught me off guard was that there was some sludge left over.
This beer is light, fizzy and flavorful, overall, one of my favorite beers. Recommended by a college student in that the cost is quite low, less than a six pack of Bud, way less.
Taste best straight out of the can, especially on a hot day.
Thanks for reading and always please feel free to leave any comments you may have. Until next time, drink one for me.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Michelob is a 5% pale lager developed by Adolphus Busch in 1896 as a "draught beer for connoisseurs".
This beer ia a crystal clear, of golden yellow appearance. The beer was topped by an eggshell colored crown. The head quickly faded to a thin yet resilient cap. The flavor tastes recognizably Bud-like thought.
The aroma consist of barley malts, some spicy hops, and a crisp aftertaste. Very light, grainy, with malt flavor up front, with grassy and some herbal, snappy hops throw into the mix. Washes down very dry and clean with minimal hop aftertaste.
Very light but still it's not outright bad and is probably a good starter brew. A million cheaper beers are just as good. There is nothing complex about this beer, but just a standard decent beer that can pretty much go with anything.
Over all I am satisfied and will try again in near future. The best serving type is ice cold srtaight from the bottle. This is a surprisingly drinkable beer. It's been many a year since I had one. It was better than I remembered it would be.
Thanks for reading and as always please feel free to leave any comments you may have. Untill next time drink one for me.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Miller Genuine Draft
The Miller Brewing Company is an American beer brewing company owned by the United Kingdom-based SABMiller.
The appearance is that similar to that of a lager beer. This beer pours a very pale straw yellow color with nearly no head. It almost passes for golden, but I won't go that far. The feel is smooth with a good amount of carbonation. One bad side is that this beer is thin and watery.
The smell is of sweet cereal with a lot of corn and some skunk. The smell is not too strong but is the weakest point of the beer.
It tastes of hoppy sweetness and grain and has a mild bitterness with a dry finish. To be fair I can taste some malts in there as well. The taste isn't great but better than the smell.
Overall fairly middle of the road. No major attractors or detractors. Fairly bland, good on a hot summer day. This is a pretty good beer for what it is, would take a Michelob or Yeungling over it though. Best served from a bottle. Overall this is better than I thought it was going to be. It's very drinkable, but nothing special.
Thanks for reading please feel free to leave any comments that you may have. Until next, drink one for me.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock is a 4.6% pale lager launched in 1939 by the Latrobe Brewing Company. Although founded as a local beer in Western Penn., it was marketed aggressively and eventually became a national product. The brand was sold to Anhesur-Busch of St. Louis, Missouri in mid 2006, which transferred brewing operations to New Jersey.
Not much too be said about this beer. It is very nice with a dense white head. Umm... it was quite sweeter than many light lager style beers.
Best to drink this one cold and straight out of the bottle. Taste is weak and fizzy but still pretty easy to drink and kinda refreshing. Needs more hops.
When poured into a glass it's got a nice calm look. Smells like party beer. Cheap, easy to down. Bit of a hint of rice. You can't really taste much. Pleasant mouthfeel, unlike most cheaper brews. I enjoy this one because it's inexpensive yet appreciated it most when i'm not paying.
Overall this beer is less than impressive. It would be a great beer to party with since it goes down so easily and it will eventually do it's job, But from an advocate's perspective, this stuff is garbage. I've drang the whole batch and am wanting my money back.
There you have it, if someone else is buying have at it, otherwise don't bother. Until next time, drink one for me.
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