Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Michelob is a 5% pale lager developed by Adolphus Busch in 1896 as a "draught beer for connoisseurs".
This beer ia a crystal clear, of golden yellow appearance. The beer was topped by an eggshell colored crown. The head quickly faded to a thin yet resilient cap. The flavor tastes recognizably Bud-like thought.
The aroma consist of barley malts, some spicy hops, and a crisp aftertaste. Very light, grainy, with malt flavor up front, with grassy and some herbal, snappy hops throw into the mix. Washes down very dry and clean with minimal hop aftertaste.
Very light but still it's not outright bad and is probably a good starter brew. A million cheaper beers are just as good. There is nothing complex about this beer, but just a standard decent beer that can pretty much go with anything.
Over all I am satisfied and will try again in near future. The best serving type is ice cold srtaight from the bottle. This is a surprisingly drinkable beer. It's been many a year since I had one. It was better than I remembered it would be.
Thanks for reading and as always please feel free to leave any comments you may have. Untill next time drink one for me.
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great writting all around and a cool topic to