Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) for short is a brand of beer sold by Pabst Brewing Company, originally established in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1844, but now based in Los Angeles. Pabst Blue Ribbon is contract-brewed in six different breweries around the U.S. in facilities owned by Miller Brewing Company.
The appearance consists of a pale yellow body with a foamy white head that dissipates pretty quick. Decent amount of lacing afterwards but ends bubbly with a good but short-lived head. The body is moderate, with carbonation a tad on the high side. Not as watery and thin as one might expect, really surprised.
The aroma is weak with some hops and maybe some baker's yeast? idk. It definitely smells like beer should just not a very pleasant one.
The taste is of grain, light hops, and light malts, and surprisingly rather crisp. One thing that caught me off guard was that there was some sludge left over.
This beer is light, fizzy and flavorful, overall, one of my favorite beers. Recommended by a college student in that the cost is quite low, less than a six pack of Bud, way less.
Taste best straight out of the can, especially on a hot day.
Thanks for reading and always please feel free to leave any comments you may have. Until next time, drink one for me.
man you do some great reviews thanks fot the help