Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Coors Brewing Company is a regional division of the world's seventh-largest brewing companies.  Coors is also renowned for operating the Golden, Colorado brewery, the largest single brewery facility in the world. 

This beer pours with a honey amber color, with a medium sized white head that dissipates well after leaving a slight but lacy clear color.

The smell is very distinct.  There is some note of a sweet candy smell but mostly it is made up of smells that are just hard to get past the nose.  What I did notice was a use of nice caramel malts, maybe a touch of honey or bit of corn husk.  

The taste, oddly enough, is a light hoppyness which reveals a bitterness to the beer. A very confusing flavor profile is within the slight bitterness. The bitterness eventually fades away laving some doughy after taste. 

This beer really shines with each sip.  Great carbonation and a long lasting good aftertaste that is good for video gaming, no need to pause Borderlands while drinking.

Credit to Coors for the attempt because it isn't a bad beer. What I taste is a brew that has little to offer the craft customer and not much for the gateway craft drinker but just a clean low-budget beer. 

Overall I would drink this again.  Mainly to try it in different forms other then a conventional can.  

Thanks for all the support and as always comments are welcome.  Until next time drink one for me. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams is an American brand of beer brewed by the Boston Beer Company.  The company was founded in 1984 by Jim Kosh, Hary M. Rubin, and Lorenzo Lamadrid in Boston, Mass.  The name Samuel Adams was chosen after an American patriot, by the same name, famous for his role in the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party.  Based on sales in 2011, the Boston Beer Company is tied with Yuengling for the largest American-owned brewery.

This beer pours a nice amberly color, with a good head. The smell is just a nice lager smell, but the taste, while clean, nice, and lagery, has a certain nuttiness, or breadiness that I really enjoy.  This is an easy to drink, really good beer.

You can definitely small the malts in this beer. Very pleasant and there is a hint of hops aroma as well.
The taste is light sweetness and light bitterness. Toasted malt and mild citrus is also present. Well-balanced, not as carbonated as I was expecting, this beer managed to slightly exceeded my expectations.

As a craft beer legend Samuel Adams Boston Lager, keeps it strong, smooth and simple. Best enjoyed from the bottle, this is how a simple beer should be.

As always thinks for reading, feel free to leave comments.  Until next time, drink one for me.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


In honor of Saint Patricks day day I decided to drink an Irish favorite.   Guinness is a popular Irish dry stout that originated in the brewery of Author Guinness (1725–1803) at St. James's Gate, Dublin.  Guinness is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is brewed in almost 60 countries and is available in over 100.  850 million litres (1.5 billion imperial or 1.8 billion US pints) are sold annually.

Well poured with a good, firm head and typical Guinness appearance.  Due to it's more filling nature this beer dose not look pleasant in a glass. Pours a foamy which lingers and is as black as the night.

Very bold flavor, at the end of the day though, this is not a bad tasting beer at all. And unlike other macro beers, it doesn't taste like water.  One thing I noticed is that there are nice malt flavors, but not much of a hops flavor.

 Overall a fairly simple yet good drink that you can easily drink 4 or 5 without noticing.  You won’t have to twist my arm too hard to get me to drink one.  The only think that me and my friends disagree on is how it is severed.  I prefer tap while they prefer a bottle.  So what to you think can/bottle/draft? 

Thanks for all the support... leave comments.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Heineken is a pale ale beer with 5% alchole by volume produced by the Dutch brewing company Heineken international.  Heineken is also an import beer.

This beer is malty and sweet at first, somewhat shunky.  A light amount of bitterness is present and this lingers through the aftertaste.

As with the taste a nice skunky smell is present, that I have always liked.  I think it is because of the green bottle that this smell is present.  Eventhough skunky it is very clean. 

If you can get over the skunky aspect it is not that bad.  These are somewhat muted and masked by notes of corn, grainy malts and grassy hops.

Overall Heineken is pretty refreshing though, not too heavy or overcarbonated so that was a good aspect. Obviously Heineken isn't really the best beer ever, but hey, it serves its purpose of letting you get drunk quickly. What it lacks in quality it makes up for in price sadly however.  

This beer is best servered cold and in the bottle.  Not the most complex beer, but a nice pale lager. Easy enough to drink with nothing off-putting as long as it's decently cold. I wouldn't turn it down if offered for free.

Thanks for reading and as always drink one for me.