Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bud Lite Lime

This one is pretty simple and straight forward, it's Bud Light with lime flavor added.  I can't say a lot of great things about this one.  This beer is just plain nasty, the taste is just horrible.  

The color is a clear light yellow with a few bubbles and with a white head that dissipated quickly.  No greenish color present but it looks a little greasy. 

Fake lime and vegetable grains are the first smells that come to mind.  Smells more like a cheap air freshener rather than something I’d drink. 

The taste reminded me of lemon lime type drink, like a 7-Up, except with a little alcohol bite.  The taste is better than the smell, but still awful.  The worst was the finish, with about 70% of the flavor resembling a cheap lime sucker.  

The body is very light and watery, full of carbonation.  The best way to sum up this beer's rather weak demeanor is "beach beer", better yet free beach beer.

This is just a cheap Corona wanna be.  This beer goes down like water and resembles a lime-flavored soda.  Best drank from a can and rather quickly. 

Thanks for reading and as always please feel free to leave any comments you may have.  Until next time drink one for me. 

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