Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rolling Rock

Rolling Rock is a 4.6% pale lager launched in 1939 by the Latrobe Brewing Company.  Although founded as a local beer in Western Penn., it was marketed aggressively and eventually became a national product. The brand was sold to Anhesur-Busch of St. Louis, Missouri in mid 2006, which transferred brewing operations to New Jersey.

Not much too be said about this beer.  It is very nice with a dense white head.  Umm... it was quite sweeter than many light lager style beers.

Best to drink this one cold and straight out of the bottle. Taste is weak and fizzy but still pretty easy to drink and kinda refreshing. Needs more hops.

When poured into a glass it's got a nice calm look. Smells like party beer. Cheap, easy to down. Bit of a hint of rice. You can't really taste much. Pleasant mouthfeel, unlike most cheaper brews. I enjoy this one because it's inexpensive yet appreciated it most when i'm not paying.

Overall this beer is less than impressive.  It would be a great beer to party with since it goes down so easily and it will eventually do it's job, But from an advocate's perspective, this stuff is garbage.  I've drang the whole batch and am wanting my money back. 

There you have it, if someone else is buying have at it, otherwise don't bother.  Until next time, drink one for me. 

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